この記事はEncyclopedia Britannica(ブリタニカ百科事典)の記事Are the Middle East and the Near East the Same Thing?からの引用を元に、独自研究を加えて自分なりの見解をまとめたものです。
What do you call the region that encompasses southwestern Asia and northeastern Africa: the Middle East or the Near East?
-Encyclopedia Britannica #Are the Middle East and the Near East the Same Thing?
region 地域 encompass 含む、取り巻く Middle East 中東 Near East 近東
Middle East essentially supplanted Near East in the early 20th century, although the two are now used interchangeably among English speakers. So, for all intents and purposes, Middle East and Near East refer to the same region when used today.
essentially 本質的には supplant (強引に)とって変わる interchangeably 互換的に intent 意図 purpose 目的 refer to 言及する
This hasn’t always been the case. The term Near East was coined in the 19th century when Westerners divided the “Orient” into three parts: the Near East, the Middle East, and the Far East. The Near East included the Ottoman Empire and the Balkans, while the Middle East ranged between the Persian Gulf and Southeast Asia—quite a small region compared with what we consider to be the Middle East today. (The Far East encompassed Asian countries facing the Pacific Ocean.) As Europe geared up for World War II, however, the term Middle East began to be used by the British military to refer to both regions. Middle East soon became the dominant term.
term 用語 coin (新語などを)創り出す Orient 東洋 Ottoman Empire オスマントルコ Balkans バルカン諸国 Persian Gulf ペルシア湾 gear up for 〜の準備を整える dominant 優越的な
日本語には「近」「中」「極」と訳されているけど、原語はそれぞれ”Near” “Middle” “Far”なので、意味としては「近い」「中間」「遠い」である。
Today we consider the Middle East to span from Morocco to the Arabian Peninsula and Iran. (Some scholars use the acronym MENA—Middle East and North Africa—as they feel it more accurately describes the region of their research.) While Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria may seem to be geographical outliers, their similar sentiment, religion, and policies have led them to be considered part of this region. Other countries are often lumped in with the Middle East by current events, such as Afghanistan and Pakistan, although they may not technically belong.
Morocco モロッコ Peninsula 半島 Iran イラン scholar (主に人文系の)学者 acronym 頭文字 Tunisia チュニジア Algeria アルジェリア geographical 地理的な outlier はずれ値 sentiment 情操 religion 宗教 policies (政府などの)政策 lump up 塊になる current events 時事 Afghanistan アフガニスタン Pakistan パキスタン
One important cultural note to keep in mind: both of these terms are completely Eurocentric, meaning that the Western English-speaking historians named the region on the basis of its position relative to Europe. With recent trends in academia to de-Westernize core education, the term Middle East can seem a bit old-fashioned. Until a new name carves its way into public discourse, however, we’re stuck with Middle East to describe the region.
note 注釈 Eurocentric ヨーロッパ中心主義の historian 歴史家 academia 学術的な世界 de-Westernize 脱西欧化 old-fashioned 古めかしい discourse 論説 stuck with 固執する(stuckはstickの過去形、過去分詞)
もちろん、MENA(Meddle East and North Africa)という言い換えの方が、地理的にはより妥当ではあるのだが、これも結局、「中東と北アフリカ」の頭文字に過ぎず、やはり「中東」というヨーロッパ視点の考え方は残ることになるのである。